At Graphedia, we are proud to have collaborated with South Dublin County Council to produce an engaging and informative video for the Dublin Urban Rivers LIFE (DURL) Project. Our team provided comprehensive storyboarding, visuals, 3D animation, and professional voiceover services to bring this crucial environmental message to life. This video aims to educate residents across the Dublin district on the importance of maintaining clean urban rivers and the steps they can take to prevent water pollution.

Video Synopsis:

Rivers play a vital role in our urban landscapes, benefiting both the natural ecosystem and the community’s enjoyment. However, these rivers and lakes are constantly under threat from human activities, particularly in urban areas where water pollution is predominantly caused by:

  • Runoffs from paved and unpaved areas
  • Leaking sewers
  • Misconnections

The video emphasises that fixing and removing misconnections will significantly improve water quality and enhance the health and biodiversity of local rivers, safeguarding them for future generations.

Our Contribution:

Graphedia was instrumental in the production of this video by providing:

  • Storyboarding: Creating a clear and compelling narrative structure.
  • Visuals: Designing visually appealing and informative graphics.
  • 3D Animation: Bringing concepts to life with dynamic animations.
  • Professional Voiceover: Delivering a clear and engaging auditory experience.

Our collaboration with South Dublin County Council ensures that this important environmental message reaches and resonates with the residents of the Dublin district, empowering them to take action for cleaner and healthier urban rivers.

For more videos like these, visit our Animation Portfolio.
If you would like a consultation for your own information explainer video, please contact us today.