You might have noticed we have launched a ‘little project’ we have been working on for almost 10 YEARS!!
Ta-da! Fan-fare! Trumpets! Drum Roll! Dancing Boys ….Ok, maybe not that last piece!
We are so excited to launch our new look Graphedia.com website that has been in the making for almost 10 years.
Phew, that was a lot of work and a long time coming!
The team here at Graphedia have been flat out working on a crazy amount of funky new websites for our clients that we barely had time to create our own super cool new site (See? We look after you first!)
Graphedia.com is a state of the art, mobile responsive site that we custom built, from scratch, to meet our own very specific company needs. Yep, we are just that good 😉
Our Creative-Juicy Bits!
We wanted to be able to showcase the very best of our work, our coolest designs, our most awesome apps and in general we wanted you to see all of our creative-juicy bits! (We even thought about making it glow in the dark!)
It was also important to us that we could give you heaps more great info about our services, provide a place for support and help for our clients and allow our clients to pay for our services right there on our website. Haaandy!
The site was custom designed , from scratch, with a whole new look, new branding and a heap of techy stuff that our incredible team of super-nerds worked on diligently until it was just right.
In fact, excuse us while we nerd out for a second;
The Techy Stuff
Graphedia.com is;
- Fully responsive site, built on top of Twitter Bootstrap.
- Custom developed AJAX portfolio section & portfolio sliders.
- Custom developed share feature.
- Custom social media feeds.
- Parallax scrolling effects.
- Uses the latest JavaScript and CSS3 techniques.
- We used only minimal off the shelf plugins which increases the security of our site, as well as increase load times.
- We use the latest caching techniques, gZIP compression and minification of our code to serve our site as fast as possible.
- SEO optimised.
- We use the latest SDK’s from Google+, Facebook & Twitter to analyse social interaction with the new website.
- Full use of the latest techniques to get the most out of Google Bot such as “Schema” tags and “rel” tags on links.
Ah, that felt good!
Ok, time for the sentimental bit:
I (Niall) want to extend a HUMUNGOUS thank you to my awesome team who drove this project and put up with all of my often picky, perfectionist requests! Sarah, Brendan, Corey, – you guys are legends (Hi Bobby, thank you too). And a huge thanks to my kids too for badgering me every morning for the last year – “Dad, Dad, is it done yet?”
And of course, a big shout out, to our fabulous clients. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love and nerd out on design on a daily basis!
Why not take some time to have a good mooch around the site and get to know us?